Super Bowl Sunday, Show the Love Sunday, gGroups News
This is a busy and exciting time for Guide Church! Below you will find all the details on what is happening.
Show the Love Sunday
This is an opportunity to invite those who may be far from God. The next 3 days might be the last opportunity that you will have to invite that coworker, friend or family member to our 9, 10 or 11 AM service. We will be giving away LOTS OF PRIZES, Guide Church wants to show the love to visitors and also to those of you who share the love to people by being BOLD enough to invite someone. PLUS, we will be giving PRIZES to visitors watching ONLINE TOO!
WE NEED PRAYER- pray this week that God gives YOU courage to invite someone. PLUS, pray that people will begin a relationship with God THIS SUNDAY.
This is a BIG DAY! We wanted to share with you 4 tips to inviting someone to “Show the Love” Sunday:
#1- Invite someone and tell them you will even take them out to eat afterwards!
#2- Invite someone and ask them just to check it out and get their opinion afterwards.
#3- Invite someone by telling them we are having a special day at my church this Sunday and they might even win a prize.
#4- Share the “Show the Love” Sunday invite on Facebook (located here) with all your friends!
Can’t wait to see everyone this Sunday for the start of our series “The Moral of the Story”. Pray for people to COME and MEET JESUS this week!
Super Bowl Party
Join us for the Super Bowl Party THIS Sunday, February 13th at North Campus beginning at 6:30 PM. If you have children, eat dinner with them during the first quarter, then during the second quarter and halftime we will have childcare while we play games and hear a special halftime challenge. Once halftime is over, you will pick them up. Feel free to stay or go, but you are in charge of your own children. Plus, our Men’s Bake-Off is back! Men, you still have time to perfect that winning recipe to compete for a PRIZE.
Help with FOOD click here and sign up to bring something to share! We look forward to fun and fellowship with you, your family and friends!
We are excited for the start of our Spring gGroups! PLEASE do not try to do the Christian life alone, connect to others and GROW. This is why we make such a BIG DEAL about gGroups.
Churches are filled with people that just show up and keep other Christians at arms distance away. DON’T LIVE THAT WAY. This is what makes Guide Church different, we are a FAMILY. Families like to be together and grow together.
IT’S NOT TOO LATE- there are still spots left in some groups. FIND A GROUP NOW.
This is your opportunity to grow in your relationship with Christ alongside other Christians. Be sure to take a look at the details to find out day, time, location, and how many spots are available. We have groups meeting almost everyday with or without childcare and close to where you live!
Most of our groups are going with our Spring series, “The Moral of the Story”.
Are you ready to grow? Then let’s do this!