Uncharted Series
gGroups Leader Material

Things to remember to do EACH week leaders:

  1. Contact all of your people to remind them about group that week. MAKE SURE YOU GET A RESPONSE. If not text/email call them.
  2. Send them the link to the sermon video in case they missed the service.
  3. Take attendance and in the attendance form add prayer requests and a short review of what happened in group.
February 11 Week

Uncharted :
Week #1


God’s view of love compared to the worlds and the importance of blood.


February 18 Week

Uncharted :
Week #2

What are YOU sacrificing for GOD?

February 25 Week

Uncharted :
Week #3

Nobody knows how to PARTY like God, but as Christians, there’s only a party when we’re accomplishing HIS purpose.

MArch 10 Week

Uncharted :
Week #4

We need to know WHO we are and WHERE we belong! Only the one who CREATED us can answer that question.


March 17 Week

Uncharted :
Week #5

We NEED to know who we are and where we belong! Only the one who CREATED us can answer that question.


March 24 Week

Uncharted :
Week #6

Complainers miss the GOODNESS of God focusing on the NEGATIVE.